
Hello Dr. Leah!

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Ohhh, You had to Be There! ATL Chocolate Brunch After Dark Recap!

Hey‎ friends!

On‎ this‎ next‎ episode‎ of‎ 3friendsTALK,‎ listen‎ and‎ learn‎ all‎ about‎ the‎ Southern‎ sweetheart‎ of‎ the‎ trio,‎ Dr‎ Leah.‎ ‎ Our‎ Memphis‎ Belle‎ has‎ never‎ conformed‎ to‎ the‎ traditional‎ pharmacist‎ role…no‎ counting,‎ pouring,‎ licking‎ and‎ sticking‎ here!‎ ‎ Dr.‎ Leah‎ has‎ 15+‎ years‎ experience‎ as‎ a‎ specialty‎ pharmacist‎ at‎ one‎ the‎ nation’s‎ largest‎ mail‎ order‎ pharmacy/‎ health‎ insurer/‎ pharmacy‎ benefits‎ manager.‎ ‎ She’s‎ a‎ dedicated‎ mother‎ to‎ an‎ active‎ teenage‎ son,‎ and‎ when‎ she’s‎ not‎ being‎ his‎ personal‎ Uber,‎ she’s‎ planning‎ trips‎ and‎ mixing‎ craft‎ cocktails‎ for‎ her‎ friends,‎ family‎ and‎ clients.‎ ‎ With‎ all‎ of‎ these‎ different‎ types‎ of‎ licenses‎ and‎ certifications,‎ what‎ else‎ could‎ Dr.‎ Leah‎ be‎ striving‎ to‎ achieve?‎ ‎

Key‎ points – Follow your Passionsssss!
You can ball on a Walmart budget!
Keep you Goalfriends close!

Connect on IG and twitter at havetimeletstravel_diva,  …and check out my website and facebook page for your travel needs

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